How to Frame CircZle
Discover how to turn your CircZle into wall art with this tutorial.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help You!
1) Flip this board and secure it on the table/ground next to your completed CircZle with our custom tape, as indicated in the image above.
Tip: Ensure that the tape is securely attached and the cover is positioned properly for a hassle-free experience.
2) Carefully slide the CircZle onto the saver board till the first fold line, as indicated.
Tip: Keep the board at a slight angle to the ground for a smooth slide, but not too much or your still unstuck CircZle will start to come apart.
3) Close the cover. Secure the top and bottom with both hands and flip the CircZle over in one swift motion as shown.
4) Open the now flipped cover - Your CircZle should be facing down, with its back facing up.
5) Choose the Saver sheet size for the CircZle, and peel off the Saver from the backing.
6) Gently place the saver onto your CircZle from the center out as shown in the image.
7) Smooth out the sticker sheet by starting from the center and moving outward using hand movements and make sure there are no air bubbles.
Tip: Use a rolling pin for better adhesion.
8) Trim the extra sticker sheet. It's not essential to match the CircZle shape precisely. Make sure every individual piece is stuck onto the Saver sheet.
9) In case you miss an edge, you can use the trimmed corners to correct it, as indicated.
10) Apply our given tape from the bottom of the sticker sheet, fold it over and apply it to the back of your CircZle. You can use any double tape to do the same.
11) Effortlessly secure your CircZle to any wall. Make sure you stick it on a smooth surface for long lasting results.
12) Feel proud of your accomplishment and savor your Circzle masterpiece.