Charity begins from home

At CogZart, we believe that charity is not just about giving money, but also about giving art, skills, and resources to make a positive impact in the world.

By embracing the principle of "Charity Begins at Home," we aim to foster a culture of giving that benefits not only our customer but also the communities where you operate.
Empowering Communities with CogZart

All you have to do is give away your CircZle after you are done with it (with no pieces missing ofcourse!) and then buy yourself a new one.
The Reward?
Immense personal satisfaction as your nephew or aunt or watchman get lost in the delights of solving this CircZle as you once were. It's a great way to spread joy and prevent waste by giving the CircZle a new life.

You are promoting community building
Creating a sense of shared responsibility and belonging.
Strengthen the bonds between members of the community
Encouraging creativity

At CogZart, giving back to our community is a Core Value.
By giving away your CircZle to someone in your local community, you bring the joy and benefits of puzzling to someone who will not only value it, but also value you for giving it.
