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Social Needs


During the pandemic we witnessed a troubling trend the pervasive use of our everyday devices for purposes that didn't serve our minds or souls.

Smartphone Masking Reality: Digital Addiction Art
Mindlessly Scrolling Through Feeds

We found ourselves mindlessly scrolling through feeds, consuming content without pause, and, as a result, forgetting how to think critically and imaginatively.

The Dark Side Of The Internet

But there's a social need for change. We recognize the importance of helping people break away from the digital noise and rediscover the art of thinking for themselves.


At CogZart, we're on a mission to reignite that Spark of Curiosity and Intellect through our range of adult recreational games.

 Our games aren't just about passing the time. They're about fostering meaningful connections, Stimulating your Mind, and Encouraging you to flex those creative muscles once again.

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Whether you're challenging yourself with a thought-provoking puzzle, Engaging in strategic gameplay, or simply letting your Imagination run wild!

Imagination Run Wild
Think Outside The Box

CogZart games are designed to inspire you to think outside the box.

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We understand that we can't force people to think, but we can certainly provide the tools and opportunities for them to do

Inspired by the idea of the bright yellow bird being a beacon of hope and light in dark mi

Rediscover Your Mind

With CogZart, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploration, and intellectual growth.It's time to put down the devices and start thinking again.


Join us in embracing the power of thought with CogZart.

Imagination Run Wild
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